As you might know I’m running in the 2016 CIA board elections. The current phase is the “Show of Support” phase, which means member candidates now have to collect 20 shows of support from the CIRA members to move on to the next phase.
If you are a member already, you should have received an email today that contains your credentials to show support. Here’s how.
Click on the link in the email and you will end up on this page:

CIRA 2016 board election show of support: Login with the information from the email.

CIRA 2016 board election show of support: Agree with the terms and conditions

CIRA 2016 board election show of support: Select your Nominee of choice

CIRA 2016 board election show of support: Confirm Selection

CIRA 2016 board election show of support: Cast your vote and exit.